September 2010 |
See that guy in the kayak? Well, he's mine. So back off. Haha! I'm just being funny. I took this picture on Labor Day while my family relaxed at the lake. It was such a lovely day too. The temps were in the mid 80's and the sun was shining bright. We all took turns kayaking and jet skiing. There was much laughter to be heard. Some even enjoyed pushing unsuspecting people into the water. I ran around taking pictures of everybody. It was the perfect day to bid summer farewell. And you know the craziest thing of all? We almost didn't go. It seemed like the logistics of getting a family of six ready for a day at the lake was a little overwhelming. And really, who needs the dirty beach towels and wet swimsuits to deal with? What would I feed everyone? Was the sunblock bottle empty? All the usual pessimistic thoughts started coming to mind. Then I decided that things didn't have to be perfect for us to be able to enjoy ourselves. Wasn't this supposed to be a laid back day? So we rounded everyone up, ordered pizza, bought some bottled water and sodas, found the last of the sunblock, and off we went. The jet ski and kayak were waiting on us when we got there. I'm so glad that I didn't let myself get in the way of what turned out to be a truly memorable family experience. Oh, and about the cutie in the kayak...I ❤ him!
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